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Camp Foley protects Loons from Fire Pit Pollution

Jodi Eberhardt

Did you know that the leftover ash from burning wood is very high in phosphorus? When the fire pit is located near the lake, rain can wash the ashes into the lake. The phosphorus from the ash triggers weed and algae growth which reduces water clarity -- ultimately affecting the loon's ability to fish.

WAPOA and Camp Foley worked together this summer to create a native plant buffer between the fire pit and the lake. The camp will use this site to help explain how what we do on land affects the water and the loons.

BEFORE: The fire pit is on top of the hill with grass and sand surrounding it.

AFTER: Native plants were installed to surround the fire pit to help block ash from getting to the lake.

What can you do?

  1. Locate the fire pit at least 50 feet away from the lake.

  2. Plant a buffer of native plants between the fire pit and the lake.

  3. Remove ashes from the fire pit to prevent the nutrient-loaded ashes from being blown or washed into the lake.

Funds for this project were provided by the Land and Waters Preservation Trust.

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