Dan and Amy Brennan converted some of their lawn to a shoreline buffer on Ruth Lake. They installed native grasses and pollinator-friendly plants including: Black-eyed Susan, Prairie Blazing Star, Wild Bergamot, Smooth Penstemon, Great Blue Lobelia and Swamp Milkweed.
Dan and Amy shared the results of the project, “The buffer has established very well (see photos). It is planted within an irrigation zone so has received sufficient water despite this summer’s drought. Even though it was planted mid-summer, a number of the plants bloomed and we have observed pollinators such as Monarch butterflies, bees and other butterfly species enjoying the plants. The buffer did not have any issues with weeds.”
Their photos show the progress this summer from site preparation to a beautiful flower garden later in the season.
Site preparation killed existing turf grass.

Plants were installed with a protective layer of mulch to block weeds. A border marks the transition between grass and the native plants on the shoreline.

At the end of the summer, the plants are thriving and the Black-eyed Susans are blooming.

Crow Wing Soil and Water Conservation District provided technical expertise and assistance with the project. Part of the cost was funded by a $2500 grant from the Land and Waters Preservation Trust.
Have a project of your own?
The trust will will start the the 2024 grant application process in January. Project grants will be made for proposals that fit one or more of the following priorities:
Enhance and protect surface and aquifer water quality in the Pine River Watershed
Support sustainable riparian land management practices
Protect habitat for native plants and animals
Watch the website for more information: www.landandwaters.org.